CAP Score Meeting

Meeting Assumptions


CAP Meeting Client Document

The pain meeting script assumes that your prospect has heard a version of the College Planning presentation prior to meeting with you. If they have not, you’ll want to review the 5 steps of College Planning as well as understand their level of ‘pain’ before jumping into the presentation. This starts with the two key meeting forms (see below): the Scoping Document and the College Planning Service Agreement. Make sure you spend enough time with these two documents and reviewing the prospect’s needs before moving forward. Failure to do so can lead to lost deals and elongated consultations.

Meeting Script


CAP Score Meeting Script

The first meeting is called the ‘Pain Meeting’ because it is designed to uncover the pain that your prospect feel regarding College Planning. The goal is to determine their commitment to the solutions we can provide. When done properly, the prospect will be very engaged throughout the next several meetings.

And, if the case arises that the prospect loses interest or is non responsive, you can return to the ‘pain’ issues you uncover here to help them re-engage.

Download the scripting for this meeting and practice it until you are comfortable working through all the elements.


College Financial Roadmap

Meeting Forms

There are two key forms used in the Pain meeting:

The Scoping Document. This document helps you identify exactly how big your prospect’s problem is going to be. It is designed to let them list out the costs associated with their kids College as well as the resources they’ve identified to help pay. The form is designed as a worksheet that allows for easy addition. At the end is the total amount of money this family needs to find to pay for College.


Service Agreement

The College Planning Service Agreement. The College planning process is challenging. In an ideal situation, you will meet with your clients 2 or 3 times over the course of 30 to 60 days. You will ask them to provide detailed financial information, do homework to learn about schools and costs, and make decisions that – in some cases – will be very difficult. There will be a natural desire to lose focus or drag the process out.

The College Planning Service Agreement is designed to outline exactly what YOU will be doing and what THEY must do – before you begin. It is an up-front contract that will be the guidepost for your relationship. Spending time to review and get agreement on all these issues will keep everyone on track.

Click the links on the right to download each document.

Fact Finder


Fact Finder

The Fact-Finder is used to collect data and case notes.  Both will help the Case Design department put together the most compelling case possible.  The Fact-Finder is very comprehensive – and you should not ‘short-cut’ any of the requested data.

The Fact-Finder is available for download in pdf format.  You will want to print a copy and take good notes while you fill the form out. Then scan the document and upload using the electronic form you can access below.